About Dr. Traian Parvulescu


I was born in Romania in a beautiful mountain town. I did grow and play in Nature for a very long time, as there was – outside the normal course of family life – nothing else to do, besides escaping outdoors and getting lost in Nature. This has had a very strong influence on my views about life and Medicine – an applied science of Life.

Like many other sciences, the field of Medicine is in continuous change. It is interesting, if not mostly humbling, that throughout history our general understanding of the human body was often superficial or erroneous.

Recent advances in the medical field, radical in their implications, have consistently shown that the human body is an ultra-complex ecosystem that cannot exist outside of its environment. In the aftermath of the Industrial Revolution and in the dawn of the Digital Revolution the medical fields of Functional and Biological Medicine are trying to measure and explain the extent of the impact that the environment has on the body, how the body through its constitutional genetics and articulate adaptive epigenetic mechanisms deals with these challenges, and ultimately – by trying to find the root cause – what to do about it.

Ironically perhaps, due to the way we eat, sedentary habits, overtaxed genetics, distorted Microbiome (the intricate network of microorganisms that populate mostly the periphery of our bodies), weakened immunity an acid internal terrain, our bodies are more susceptible to opportunistic infections and never ending inflammatory, auto-immune and degenerative conditions.

The human body has become sick, depressed and out of Spirit, that is out of Nature!


Certified with the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM).

Certified with the American Board of Integrative Medicine (ABOIM).

Certified with the American Board of Integrative and Holistic medicine (ABIHM).

Certified with the Institute of functional Medicine (IFMCP)

Diploma of Biological Medicine by Paracelsus Institute, Switzerland.

Training for physicians to practice Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine (St.Luke’s Hospital, San Francisco).

Graduated MD diploma from Carol Davila Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania / 1990.

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